PapagHeno PapagHena
i pappagalli di Mozart

with Compagnia Trioche: Nicanor Cancellieri, Irene Geninatti Chiolero, Franca Pampaloni
direction Rita Pelusio
assistant direction Anna Marcato
stage dramaturgy Rita Pelusio
costume and set design Ilaria Ariemme
lighting Paolo Casati
audio Luca De Marinis
executive production Anna Marcato
photography Laila Pozzo

production PEM Habitat Teatrali
with the support of Next – Laboratorio delle idee per la produzione e programmazione dello spettacolo lombardo – Edizione 2023/2024, Catalyst, Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro e LaBolla Teatro

After the success of their previous shows, the Compagnia Trioche would now like to propose a new particular piece of musical-clown work.
The title of this show refers to the famous aria from Mozart’s The Magic Flute.
Mozart composed this colourful work two months before his death, and never has a spiritual testament been more joyous.
What was it that inspired Mozart as he composed the piece?
Were his parrots imitating him, or did he take inspiration from their sounds?
In this continuous inversion of perspective, as suggested by the plot of The Magic Flute itself, we have borrowed and reinterpreted Mozart’s various musical styles.
The Trioche presents the arias of The Magic Flute while playing with opera, bel canto, and the noble comedic arts.
The parrots are comical, tragic, graceless, and poetic. Like any caged animal they dream of freedom, and if they cannot fly, their music will.

“We leave it to the critics to decide whether it is correct to appropriate an opera for fun.
We believe that opera should adhere to its time, but that it should also unfold its magic if this allows it to be brought nearer to everyone”